
Urban Water

Sustainable water supply involves a sequence of combined actions and not isolated strategies. The challenge is to create mechanisms of regulation, incentives and affordability to ensure the sustainability of the system. Initiatives to meet demand for water supply will be sustainable if they prioritize measures to avoid water waste at supply and transit stage. Avoiding wastage will contribute to…

Lake Biodiversity conservation

An integrated landscape approach to conservation planning plays a key role in ensuring suitable habitats for species. However, many protected areas are not functioning as effectively as originally intended, due in part to limited resources to maintain these areas and/or enforce relevant legal frameworks. In addition, current protected area networks may need to be re-aligned…

Wellbeing through Design

What is wellbeing? Is it a physical achievement or a mental reaction or a spiritual goal? To put it simply, Wellbeing is an overall state of being happy, healthy and satisfied. This holistic sense of ‘being happy, healthy and satisfied’ is quite unlikely to flourish on an individual basis in our co-dependent societal structure. We,…

Relation between traffic and vibrancy

“Streets and their sidewalks – the main public places of a city – are its main vital organs.” – Jane Jacobs The street’s roles could primarily support two alternative functions, movement corridor and a public space. It largely depends upon the primary objective bestowed upon that street. For so long we have been neglecting the…

Individuality of Streets

In initial times, the street was an extended version of our house. It acted as a social interactive space and provided a platform to host many versatile activities. Nowadays, with an exponential increase in city traffic, it is transforming into a heavy traffic vehicular corridor with countless pollution trails. This phenomenon is engulfing every city,…

Methods for fostering streets as places

“We go back to some streets more often than others… Maybe a street unlocks memories, or offers expectations of something pleasant to be seen, or the possibility of meeting someone old, or someone new… Because some streets are more pleasant than others, we go out of our way to be on them.” – Allan B.…

Principles for fostering streets as places

Project for public spaces is a cross-disciplinary team that shares a passion for public spaces. They have done exceptional work in the domain. PPS states following 8 principles that focus on ways to attract people to a street and tap its potential for community spaces: A. Safe “The safety of a street works best… Most…

Analyzing global street scenario

For so long, streets have been restrained to act just as roads transporting people from one place to another. Fortunately, cities all over the world are going back to reclaim their streets or their people. Many emerging ideas, policies and steps have been seen at different instances to fight for pedestrian access on streets. For…

Streets – Link and Place

The street is the largest stage in the city, and the most used (Gehl, 1989). “As a Link, a street is for movement and designed for users to pass through as quickly and conveniently as possible, in order to minimise travel time; while as a Place, the street is a destination in its own right,…

Streets as amalgamation of past and future

Have we forgotten to cherish the journey while being in a never-ending race to destination? Whenever we look back to our visit to any city the first thing we visualize is the streets we walked upon. Their existence is as subtle as breathing but equally impactful. Streets blow breath into the city.Streets are public spaces…


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